CloudWatch vs CloudTrail - A detailed comparison of AWS monitoring services

July 20, 2021

CloudWatch vs CloudTrail - Which AWS monitoring service is right for you?

When managing a cloud-based infrastructure, having real-time visibility and monitoring of your resources is crucial. AWS offers two main monitoring services: CloudWatch and CloudTrail. But which one should you choose for your specific needs? In this blog post, we will compare CloudWatch vs CloudTrail, providing a detailed overview of each service and their differences so that you can make an informed decision.

What is CloudWatch?

CloudWatch is a monitoring and management service for AWS resources. It provides a unified view of your entire infrastructure by collecting and tracking metrics, logs, and events in real-time. With CloudWatch, you can monitor and analyze resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, Lambda functions, databases, and more.

What is CloudTrail?

CloudTrail is a service that provides visibility into user activity across your AWS infrastructure. It records and stores account-level events and API calls made within the AWS management console, SDKs, and command-line tools. CloudTrail can help you ensure compliance, track changes to resources, and troubleshoot security issues.

CloudWatch vs CloudTrail - Key Differences


The key difference between CloudWatch and CloudTrail is their focus. CloudWatch is primarily used for monitoring performance and operational health of your infrastructure, while CloudTrail focuses on auditing and compliance.

Data Types

CloudWatch mainly handles numerical time-series data such as CPU usage, network traffic, and disk I/O. In contrast, CloudTrail captures non-numerical data such as API calls, resource modifications, and access attempts.


CloudWatch can provide details at a high level by aggregating data points over specific time periods, while CloudTrail provides detailed information and granular event logs.


Pricing for both services is based on usage. CloudTrail is priced per event, while CloudWatch is priced per metric collected and dashboard created.

Which service should you choose?

If you're looking for real-time monitoring and management of your resources, CloudWatch is the way to go. On the other hand, if you need more granular data and event logs to ensure compliance and track user activity, CloudTrail is the better choice.

It's also worth considering that CloudWatch and CloudTrail can compliment each other. By integrating the two services, you can gain a complete view of your infrastructure's performance and operational health, as well as auditing and compliance.

In conclusion, the choice between CloudWatch vs CloudTrail depends on your specific needs. Consider your monitoring requirements and ask yourself what data you need to ensure compliance and security.


AWS CloudWatch Official Documentation

AWS CloudTrail Official Documentation

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